We are on the way to break our canning record for total jars – and varieties of food – canned in one weekend. Granted, we had a lot of help, as Anja & Duff and Zach & Rachel were around all weekend, and Jens and Grace stopped by on Saturday.

While the cider was being made, Rachel – and Toben – worked on cleaning the tomatoes for the first batch of sauce for the weekend.

We used the burners on our kitchen stove, the side burner on the gas grill and the turkey fryer outside, as we just ran out of space in the kitchen during all this processing. In the middle of all this, we all went to Chambersburg to watch Lars and the Big Spring Midget Football varsity team win their first game of the season. Go Bulldogs!
Here is what we ended up with by Sunday night:
- 20 gallons of apple wine (30 pounds of sugar added)
- 38 quarts of canned apple cider
- 10 gallons of cider in gallon jugs in refrigerator
- 18 half pints of “Smokin Salsa”
- 15 half pints of “Mild Salsa”
- 20 quarts of Spaghetti Sauce
- 31 pints of apple/nectarine sauce
- 6 quarts of plain apple sauce
- 7 quarts of peaches