Seed Shopping

Went to the Newville Hardware Store and the Newville Produce Farm to get more seeds – hoping for the rain to stop so we can start planting more vegetables.

  • 1/2 lb of Henderson’s Bush Baby Lima Beans
  • 1 lb of Tema Green Beans (53 days) 
  • Eureka Pickling Cucumbers (57 days) 
  • Bush Pickle Cucumbers (45 days) 
  • Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans (always wanted to try those)
  • Garden Spineless Zucchini (50 days)
  • Kohlrabi seeds and plants
  • Rutabaga seeds
  • a few white cabbage plants
  • sweet potato vines
  • a few cauliflower plants
  • St. John’s Wort plant
  • Rosemary plant
  • half a flat of white impatients for the shady flower beds

Stopped by a yard sale on the way and bought 3 forsythia plants, several daisy plants and a few while irises.

Also spent Saturday evening “finding” the shady flower bed that edges the lawn area (where hopefully we’ll have a stone wall someday). Got this area ready for mulching as soon as the rain stops. With this soggy weather, gardening is limited to areas that can be reached from a grass surface – such as flower beds… can’t wait for the sun to start drying things up.

And finally planted the two Asian Pear trees which Jens had gotten Tina for Mother’s Day!