All Tomatoes – 199 – are Planted!!

Spent most of the day planting garden (not done yet, but made progress):

  • 2 rows of TEMA green beans in the plastic (about 3/4 of a pound, still have 1/4 lbs left)
  • 40 sweet potato plants (still have 60 to go)
  • 45 Roma tomatoes
  • 24 Black Plum tomatoes (heirloom)
  • 34 Amish Paste tomatoes (heirloom)
  • 31 Brandywine tomatoes (heirloom)
  • 4 Striped German tomatoes (heirloom)
  • 4 Lemon Boy tomatoes
  • 2 Supersweet Cherry tomatoes
  • 55 Oxheart tomatoes (heirloom)

Bought irises and pussy willow plants at a yardsale, and got a flat of melons, gooseberry and currant bushes and a black raspberry plant at the greenhouse.