Getting Ready for Springflowers

Today I filled up the first wheelbarrow load of weeds for 2013! After the snowy weather on Saturday, I felt like cleaning up the herb garden and planting some pansies.  A lot of the herbs needed to be trimmed back, which generated the bulk of my wheelbarrow load.  A surprising number of daffodils were already poking through in between the herbs. It will look pretty in just a few weeks when they bloom!

I also moved the overwintered geraniums from their make-shift shelter in the barn.  We had pulled out all the geraniums in the fall and put them into pots on a large table at the back corner of the barn. The downstairs of the barn stays relatively warm with all the thick stone walls.  We covered the table with plastic sheeting and then placed two lamps, with the light bulbs pointing upward, underneath the table.  The two light bulbs supplied the only heat throughout the winter, but it must have worked, as only 2 out of 32 plants did not survive, though some of the plants looked pretty rough.  I trimmed all the dead leaves off the plants, watered them thoroughly and placed them on a table by the large window in the barn.