Winery Snafus: It’s Funny Now

Sometimes at the Winery we goof.  Of course we try to be careful, but we are only human after all, and we forget things and make mistakes.  At the time, there is often a mix of panic, problem solving, and cursing. After a short while, we are usually able to laugh about our mistakes together at the next family dinner. For your enjoyment, we share some of these instances with you.

At the Winery, everything is bottled and labeled by hand.  Sometimes we get chatty and mistakes happen.  As a result, at least 1 bottle every time is accidentally is double corked!

We mixed Vidal and Apple together to make Summer Blend and overfilled the tank by a few gallons.  The lid doesn’t fit and is floating on top of the wine.

We racked wine ready to bottle into a tank that was inconveniently placed in front of all the empty wine bottles ready to be filled.

We had a pressing malfunction which resulted in a mini explosion of Pink Quiver. It. Was. Everywhere.