More Elderberries

Spent time in the small elderberry patch today, which is situated in an area of our property which tends to “flood” when we have excessive rain (which happened quite a lot this Spring).  There were an amazing number of “baby elderberries” (or suckers) on these one year old plants, which we promptly dug out to start a second patch of berries.  The new patch is on the bank between our two ponds, one row follows the path on top of the bank, the second row was started along the edge of the “wetlands” which border the lower, smaller pond.  We managed to get 24 new bushes started this way, plus we took root and stem cuttings, which we planted in small flower pots – if they grow, we should have another 2 dozen bushes to plant later this year.  (our Elderberry wine is the best! so here is hoping for lots of berries)