The idea of making swags for the guest room windows – on top of the regular curtains – did not work. It did look gaudy…and too busy.

The idea of making swags for the guest room windows – on top of the regular curtains – did not work. It did look gaudy…and too busy.
Right after New Years, the electric company needed to access the fence row behind our pond to cut back trees for the powerlines. (this was during the early January “warm” spell) The tree trimmers stopped by the house to ask if they could drive across our fields, and Jeff asked if we could have the chipped wood – they told us we could have all we wanted 🙂 Within a week we had the start of a nice sized pile of future mulch:
We had spent the last day of 2010 by doing some major outside clean-up work as well, burned the brush pile that had accumulated for the last two months, pulled out all the temporary irrigation hoses from the vegetable garden, removed the old brush, rocks and dirt piles around the goat pen and got started cleaning out the bottom of the barn!
Everyone, including Tina’s parents, arrived by lunchtime on Christmas eve – by that time the turkey had been stuffed and put in the oven, and all side dishes had been “prepped”. Basically, we did a re-run on Thanksgiving dinner, since you can’t beat a good turkey 🙂
Jeff dug out the last of the parsnips earlier this week, peeled and boiled them, and froze most of them. That was the last of our vegetable garden for this year. The only thing we are still harvesting are some of the hardier herbs – parsley and sage are still going pretty strong as they are on a protected side of the house.
Our next project will be bottling some more of last year’s wine to empty out some of the carboys and get them ready for our currently fermenting batch of apple wine. So bottle washing it is for now…in between Christmas preparations.