Barn and Fence Progress

We were lucky with this weekend’s weather – sunny and mid-50’s for both days, which meant we spent every minute we could working outside:

We got the last load of gravel into the barn (yeah!!!) and also finished building and filling the form outside the barn. 
We will have half of the front overhang concreted for now.  The other half will hopefully become our crush pad, which will need to be extended beyond the overhang to give us enough space for the wine press – looking to do that in the Spring.

Continued on the fence painting project – we used 4 gallons of paint on Sunday afternoon and got most of the fence along the road on the pond-side done.

We also made a decent dent into our huge mulch pile – got all the new blueberries and elderberry bushes done.  We’ve been working with mulch every evening last week, until it got too dark to see.  Now with the time change, we won’t be able to do any outside work during the week.