Today was just too windy and cold to work outside, so we decided to continue working on our bathroom project – the one that abruptly came to a halt when the weather got warm… about 8 months ago.
We kind of got used to having a semi-finished bathroom, but in reality, it is an eye-sore. Half the room is painted, the sink and toilet are installed, and we tiled the floor. The whirlpool tub is installed and operational, but we never finished the wall around the tub. We never installed the corner shower unit we had bought last winter and two walls and half the ceiling still need drywalled and painted.
We took inventory of all our supplies and realized that the only things we were missing was a shower faucet and two sheets of drywall – which we picked up this morning. By the end of the day, we had the faucet installed and the walls around the shower-unit insulated. We are ready to hang the missing drywall!!